AVAILABLE ON AMAZON MARCH 24, 2017 BLURB Peace is hard to find when you’ve got a crazy ex-husband who just won’t let you go. Berkeley...
Happily Ever After or Happy For Now?
Which do you prefer? Here comes the bride or later we'll decide? Marriage and a baby carriage, or let's just move in together? I find...
What Makes A Good Book Boyfriend?
Let's be clear. I consume romance novels like Tony Montana consumes cocaine. Copious, obnoxious amounts. I. Am. An. Addict. Like all...
Bringing Characters To Life
SNAPSHOT OF MY CHARACTER PROFILE FOR ASHER SULLIVAN: Ideas for my stories usually come to me in the form of a character first. Take for...
Goodbye To The Shit Show That Was #2016
I'm generally an optimistic person but I have to say that 2016 put a real dent in my armor. It was truly a shit show on so many levels....
My Top 5 Romance (series) Re-Reads
Sometimes there is nothing better than burrowing under the blankets with my tablet on a rainy day and searching my digital library for...
NaNoWriMo 2016 Kicked My Ass
Okay. So I didn't win NaNoWriMo 2016. In other words, I didn't reach the 50K word count goal (it was closer to 15K). But you know what?...
The Playlist
It's raining today in my neck of the woods. And being the moody bitch that I am it doesn't take much for me to light my candles, put on...
I'm Waiting To Exhale
Like so many of us, I’ve been caught up and perhaps even a bit mesmerized by the twists and turns the current presidential cycle. I’ve engag
Ghost Done Did It Now!
I clearly have no life! This is exactly why I need to stop getting sucked into these damned TV shows. On Sunday's episode of Power...