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Books On Writing


As a writer, I love books that talk about the craft of writing. There are thousands of books out there that are available as resource guides for writers like me. I've only read a handful. But there are a few that I use all the time. In fact, when I am working on my current manuscript, "Her Protector" I usually have them open because I refer to them so often. So I thought I would list those go-to books that I rely on to get me through the good times and the bad! Keep in mind that I'm a writer of romance fiction. So a lot of the books on writing craft that I'm attracted to focus around this genre of fiction.

Here are a few of my favorites!

I use this book like a thesaurus, and I use it every day. It's wonderful and super easy to use. When I am working on my manuscript, this book is open. "Throbbing manhood", "Aching core", "Desperate arousal"....yeah I get lot's of inspiration from this book!

I love a good "how to" book! And this one is fantastic. This author has broken down the structure of putting together a romance novel very effectively. I wish I would have read this book before I threw myself into my first manuscript. I probably could have saved myself a whole lot of time and headaches.

This is another "how to" book and I go to it when I hit a wall. This book is not genre specific which is great. It's less about the technical craft of writing and more about how to keep on writing and get the project done. It lays out a system on how to push back against writers block, and many of the other problems that can plague insecure writers such as myself.

Each of these books have one thing in common that I enjoy. They are easy to use. The authors of these books are efficient in their ideas and their systems. I love that. The last thing I want to to do is get bogged down in a book with a system that will take me weeks to get through, figure out, and implement.

Did I say too much? I'd love to hear from you.



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